Rates from $ 0.035 to $ 0.08 Tier 1: US, CA, GB and AU.
Rates from $ 0.015 to $ 0.02 Tier 2 : NO, SE, DK, FI, DE, FR, IT, BE, NZ, NL, ZA, ES and CH.
Rates $ 0.01 Tier 3 : Others.
Terms Users Sites:
No free hosting.
Dominis not free.
Minimum of 1,000 daily visits.
We are jingling and accept Hitleap (Minimun seg 8 a 15 seg.)
We accept small ad networks. (Minimun seg 8 a 15 seg.)
Terms Users Payments:
It is paid as soon as possible from 1 day to 7 days after request for payment.
To expedite payments please send emails to support@admediatex.com
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